Monday, September 07, 2009

A new person?

Have not been here for a long time. A lot has happened. Difficult to put into words. So I am just going to pick up where I am now.

I have been using some tools that I have known about for a while and some I discovered recently, to work with my stuff. The first is a new technique called EFT which is amazing. It seems to good to be true but it really works. I am not sure it would work without the other tool called Theophostics, which relies on God taking you to memories where lies about yourslef have become implanted, where he then imparts truth to replace the lie.

EFT is a simple method to "tap" on acupuncture points while focusing on issue that you are struggling with. This morning I was struggling with an issue of defensiveness regarding belonging to a worship team. I was really struggling with letting go of my resistance to 2 members of the team. I tapped on the resistance and the feelings of aloneness and being an outsider, as well as being "defective", where the resitance/stubbornness originates, came up. The Lord took me to the time in my childhood where it came from, as a cover to deal with my sense of abandonment at the time. I wept and tapped, scaled my relief on a level from 1-10 and tapped again. Then the Lord gave me the truth about myself, as a person that is crusty and unyielding only as a denfence agains my feeling alone when I was a little boy. He told me who I really am: a compassionate, soft, caring person, the way he made me. He told me that it was ok to not be hard anymore. I will never be alone again.

It is so real. Of course it is not over until it is over. I will chronicle the journey here :)