Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

dear God

all this talk about darkness. yet you wait patiently in my heart...after all, that is what in-dwelling means; i worship the one within, the Other. i stir up within me the presence of peace. you pass all understanding. i pay homage to the heavenly one. i enter the gate. you have called and chosen me. WORSHIP: waiting on you, my heart inhaled, my mind mingled with yours, my soul satisfied with your soothing silence. o most high, o dearest divine -- display yourself to me. and i bow low, knowing this was what i am meant to be... your footstool. humiliation? no! your dwelling place. your rest. i love you! me in you and you in me...and heaven holds its breath. sweet Mercy, you have given me your Self. spoken in words of tender, tender proximity: "you are my son. I AM well pleased with you. come, that I may minister to your misery. dress your disaster in glory..."

yes, I worship you, my Heart!


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