Thursday, July 07, 2005



I don't believe that after 7 years you could just discard me because I choose a different life. Honestly I would have thought that you'd be happy for me. It's not like we shared a life together anymore. I suppose you believed that in choosing against your lifestyle I chose against you... have you never heard of agree to disagree? Surely you loved ME and not my lifestyle? It's not as If I cheated on you by going straight? We were not lovers anymore!!!

GLEN SHELTON you have hurt me. "Fuck off all you straights" you said. It cut me deep, I have to admit after 14 years. But now I know that a monogamous relationship of 5 years with somebody who is yr whole life, doesn't just end with that little phrase. And that I still care is obvious to me. I have searched the internet for you at times, wondering if somewhere there is a mention of you that could lead me to you. I still care about you even though I married J, because you are a person and not a sexual orientation even though YOU would like things to be that simple and complicated.

So what shall I say now? Have a good life...? I hope you didn't get AIDS or die of lung cancer? What I hope for most of all is that you will overcome your deep hurt at your dad's rejection and not discard others as you have been discarded. People are not disposable. I am learning that at my great cost.


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