you win i lose

"anyhoo" as my nephew says...
I came across a blog (or rather a little network of blogs) of a gay guy (and his friends) in London. He had some stuff to say.The Dangerous Man he calls himself. He makes a whole lot of statements which from his perspective are quite reasonable. Stuff like religion is irrelevant. He also talks about gay marriage and stuff like that. I gave in to the temptation to say something and then realised that there is little that i can say that will be understood as it was intended. When you say something that has relevance outside of the context that it comments on, then it almost always runs the risk of sounding petty/narrow-minded/old-fashioned... you fill in the blank. There is almost no way for me to say something from my perspective as an ExGay Christian without sounding as if I have lost the plot.
So does one say anything? Well I think so and I hope that we can get over ourselves enough to...well, to what? Is it worth it? What's the point? Because what i have to say is not politically correct and that is the criteria at the moment. Religion is passe, and that's that. But I suppose that this is the nature of what I have become. I am irrelevent to the world. The Bible says I would. All that I say can be interpreted in a way that will make me look foolish and unsophisticated. I have to live with that. There is actually no way to speak across the divide. Because I break the one cardinal rule: I believe in an absolute. And that's not "nice", or cool. I have to come and spoil everybody's fun by saying that there's a right way and a wrong way. Bummer!
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