thoughts of relating to God

Everything takes work. If you love somebody you have to cultivate them. It's the law of the universe. Entropy. Anything left to its own devices will degenerate. Put that together with an innate human propensity towards laziness and you have a potential disaster. And I am not talking about my marriage, in spite of the image here (that's just to symbolise the eternal love of God...and marriage which is forever) Maybe it is just me.
Funny that the other apsect that is potentially disastrous is that God is invisible and doesn't always push himself under our noses. He is ok to wait for us while we sneak off to other watering holes and "quench' our thirst. He works behind the scenes, yes, but it can be too easy to fill our hearts with other stuff at the expense of our relationships with him. I think this particular case is easier to explain because when we are faced with him, he requires of us that we constantly look inwards and doesn't let us get away with moral, mental, spiritual laziness. Disturbing and uncomfortable. So unless we are pleased to really look at ourselves and be prepared to change in uncomfortable ways, we should probably avoid him. But rather look at myself a bit at a time than to see the whole awful lot holus bolus when I am faced with him one day, as I inevitably will be.
Funny that he is not content to be an incidental pastime. That's why he says that he wants all of us. "All you heart, mind and strength". That sounds like everything. I have pictures of myself sort groaning and sweating, willing myself to love him, when actually he just wants us to direct LIVING at him. The rest will follow. Ah, God... such an eccentric character, not so? So out of pace with reality.
I couldn't be more relieved. Because his commitment is the same as he requires from us. Now THAT'S a good thing. I need somebody to come thru for me.
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